This song is awesome but then most of their songs are. it 1 part hope they play it and 1 part get everyone in on the fun ride. I only go to live music events where real music is played and YES i shout out FREE BIRD every chance i get. Emma from Gibraltar, GibraltarMy fav band in the world.

Rob Zombie I salute you in your soundtrack choices!
#Words to free bird movie#
Emma from Gibraltar, GibraltarAnd this song is also at the end of The movie Devils Rejects the awesome sequal to house of a thousand corpses.10 yrs and I still cry everytime :( Miss you dad Jenni Lynn from Detroit, MiThis song means the world to me.it was played at my fathers funeral every 15 mins and noone knew that it was even suppost to be played so everytime I hear it now, it just reminds me of him.After her death, Allen and Ronnie (maybe Gary?) continued writing the song in her honor. One day while she was in the mall she was walking with her 5 year old daughter and collapsed and passed away. Allen's wife, Cathy did ask him "If I leave here tomorrow, will you still remember me?", but she was also a huge part in writing the lyrics of the song. Dawn from Jacksonville, FlFor the person who stated that Allen Collins worked on this song for two years, that is not entirely true.We love you and we know your watching over use! We jammed in the church to this and Thunder Struck by AC/DC sad day. Sav from Yuma, NeWe played this at the only thing I've ever even come close to calling my Dad he was in a car reck he was crazy loud and needed to be free I love you Shauny boy we all do.Megan from Stevenson, AlGets me everytime! I love this song.Phil from Pittsburgh, PaHeard them do at live in Kent, Ohio in 1976.That speaker was a bit too close to my left ear in my old truck and Free Bird is the song I ALWAYS turned up to the max. I left the hearing in my left ear to this song. Yes I know it has vocals and the songs lyrics are great but if it weren't for all that guitar/drum/piano it would not be AS remembered as it is. Mike from Mt Ida, ArIt is the greatest instrumental rock anthem ever.Very fortunate for Skynyrd that MTB was there and knew all of their music because Van Zant was the only one who sang. Doug Grey of Marshall Tucker along with the Caldwell brothers joined Skynyrd on stage with Doug doing all the vocals. Van Zant fell off the stage after about 3 songs and was taken to the hospital. Blaine from Charlotte, NcIn 1975 I saw Marshall Tucker Band and Lynyrd Skynyrd together in Charlotte NC.and as I recall the rest of Skynyrd and all of MTB finished with a blistering Free Bird collaboration. and Van Zant could hardly make it through those first 2 songs. a bunch of us from a little redneck town down the road, Salisbury, drove to the big city for this one. Michael from Southern CaliforniaBlaine - from Charlotte.So I think that the songwriter of 'Free Bird' got the idea form the song 'Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow' Also the first recording of the song was the year after the year of 1971 when Carole's album came out. I think that two lines are almost the same.

You can find the almost same line saying that 'If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me' comparing with Carole's song 'Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow'. Take a look at the first line from the song 'Free Bird'. I think that idea of the lyrics of the song came from the song called 'Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow' written and sung by Carole King in 1971.